Weeks 5-6: Celebrate victories and learn from mistakes

21 Jul

So it’s been a busy busy 2 weeks. When I came back from my NJ vacation I had a ton of work to do for school. I had my first-author manuscript accepted to a peer-reviewed scientific journal. I had a 1-on-1 session with Dave, my trainer. We found out that JJ’s uncle (who’s had pancreatic cancer) had passed and had to do funeral stuff and spend some family time. I had to reserve a room and officially schedule my thesis defense. I had some experiments to do for side projects and clinical trials that are going on….and then, on top of all of that, I had to find time for the gym and meal prepping. I’ve been BUSY!

With everything going on, I’d be lying if I said I was able to stick 100% to the diet and fitness plan that Dave has laid out for me. Emotional eating (of sweets) has always been a thing for me and I definitely had a couple of slices of cake at the funeral repass dinner. I also ate subway for lunch and dinner that day because I didn’t really have the time or the inclination quite frankly to meal prep. Some things are more important than boiling 1000 eggs and cutting up chicken…I felt it was better for me to be there emotionally for my boyfriend and his family than to be spot on with diet and exercise. In life we make choices and they all have benefits and consequences.

Instead of feeling guilty about these past 2 weeks I decided that I would give myself mad props for not totally jumping ship and secret eating kit kat bars in my car (which is a bad habit I used to have that thank God is behind me). I’m recovering chocolate/candy addict. I also have done all of my lifting workouts despite missing a day of working out in week 5 (for the funeral) and 1 day of working out in week 6 (overslept, worked late and we’d planned to take JJ’s mom to dinner for her B-day) – I just double up my lifts and did 2-a-days to compensate. I also was able to hit 145 on the squats this week which means that I”m getting stronger. My running is getting faster and I’m able to maintain 9’15″/mile pace for 2 miles without stopping and it feels relatively easy. HU-friggin-ZAH! That’s cutting 45seconds off my per-mile pace. So yea, basically what I take from this week is to celebrate the victories and learn from the mistakes.

I did not lose anywhere near as much as I wanted. I could say that I did well considering the “cheat meals” (4th of July week, JJ’s uncle’s repass and the surrounding events where I was just too drained to think about packing meals, etc…). You can see that in a month’s time I lost about 4lbs which is about a pound a week. Dave tells me this is exactly on target. We’re aiming for slow progress since drastic calorie deficits tend to strip me of muscle mass, slow my metabolism to snails pace and have me spinning my wheels. When the scale only moves a pound after 5-7 hours of cardio/week though it can be a bit aggravating and disheartening. But I didn’t gain weight and I am still losing fat, which is much better than my past weight loss efforts…so I’ll take it.


  • Weight: 135lbs
  • Waist: 27in
  • Hips: 38.5in
  • Neck: 14in
  • BF%: 26%


These are just comparisons from the last progress pics I took and today. I could have pic-stitched the pics from my initial consultation with Dave and I’m sure the changes would be more drastic, but I’m a busy med student after all…and I’m tired from cardio…so there ya go. I’ll do it one day…maybe next update. I didn’t expect anything really mind-blowing with just a 4lb weight loss…just gotta stay on the grind and stick to it 100%.


I’m liking that the cellulite is smoothing on my thighs. My original pics weren’t flexed so I didn’t flex here, but I have a lot of new muscle in my back too 🙂


My belly continues to shrink. Not as fast as I would like but the lower pooch is definitely disappearing. Gotta stick with it.


Had to throw in a gun show pic (excuse my baby guns…lol). Again the best thing about the progress here is the smoothing of cellulite on the thighs.

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