Today’s run: 7/15/2013

15 Jul

Distance: 6.3 miles (total)
Pace: varied
Conditions: indoor on the trendy 1% incline

So much for running everyday last week. A lot went on that kind of derailed my fitness agenda (like funerals and sinus infections & other miserable things) but I won’t get into that here. I’ll recap it on Sunday in the week 5/6 summary for my lean out fitness challenge (sorry for the lack of update/pics this past Sunday…but really more important things were going on). Anyway, yesterday was Monday and on Monday I work arms. I also knew I needed to do a bit of running to work off that repast cake that I ate on Saturday. I ended up doing 4 x 1mile repeats before  strength training. The goal for each repeat was to be well under 10min/mile pace. What actually ended up happening was phenomenal…I got 9’53” / 9’28” / 9’24” / and 9’21” for each mile. Booooyah!

I then did my lift which was brutal considering I was already kinda pooped from the mile repeats. Luckily it was only an arm day because my legs couldn’t have lifted a feather.

After lifting I went back to the tready and set it on ‘custom intervals’ to complete 90sec of 5.5mph pace and 30sec of 8.0mph pace. This was about 2 miles. Toss in my 0.3 mile warmup jog and we have a great day of running!

It’s supposed to be hot this week so I’ll probably be doing quite a bit of treadmill running. Trying to stay spot on the diet and fitness this week so that I can make some serious progress and make up for a few of the chuckholes life sprinkled on my road this month.

Hopefully life cooperates.

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