Week 3 – when working out means you’re aggressive

2 Jul

What a week. I rounded Sunday out down another pound and sore all over. Honestly, it feels like a truck hit me then backed up and ran over me again for good measure. Getting in and out of cars feels like a chore and I’m finally starting to get moody/feel fatigued from the low calories that I’m consuming. Even with that I was able to meet all of my goals for this week in terms of exercise and meals. I’m still seeing progress which, I suppose is a good thing – especially since this week had me out of town traveling for the holidays.

The most inventive food thing I did with my diet was create clean chicken and clack bean tacos that fit my macros. I didn’t make a recipe or take pics though because I still need to tweak the recipe a bit. It was a little too high in sodium which made my legs swell a bit. I suspect it was the canned beans ( I used reduced sodium and rinsed them significantly, but when you haven’t had added salt or processed & canned food for a while and then indulge…I guess sensitivity ensues). I think I might try the recipe again but in the crockpot so the chicken gets nice and shredded -like. Ok clearly I’m a fat kid because that was a lot of talk about food.

On to the workouts…

So apparently it’s not “normal” for women to mean mug in the gym. Apparently being the only girl in the free weight room AND actually working out instead of engaging in mindless banter or getting coached up by other gym patrons means that you are…well a BEAST. If you didn’t know this…no worries, I just learned it this week. I do power lifting movements (squats, deadlifts, cleans) at the campus gym and do cardio and accessory movements literally next door at the private gym that’s on campus. When I walked into the campus gym on Wednesday, a kid @ said “didn’t I just see you at @ Veale (the campus gm). Then he followed it up with an accusatory “what do you work out twice?!” …so what I do? What’s it to ya?

Then when my bf comes home he tells me that Russ, the smoothie man @ the gym said “I bet your girl beats yo ass at home don’t she?” He qualifies this statement by saying that he got the impression because I walk in the gm, I don’t talk to anyone and I lift weights. While his logic is impeccable, I must say I was a tad offended by the notion that a girl who weight lifts and doesn’t waste time trying to chat it up *must* be an abusive relationship partner…Russ gets a big fat W-T-F on that one.

I was back to week 1 workouts and even though I’m tired down to my bones, I am able to lift more and more weight or increase reps each week. Being strong and workout at the same time is a little mind blowing but that’s how it is. I’m also seeing more of a pump and sneak peaking some vascularity when I do certain moves…c’mon veins and leanness!

On to the numbers:

This week again wasn’t dramatic. I lost 1.1 pounds, an inch, and another percent of body fat. I take new progress pics next week to round out the month. I also have another session with Dave, who was pleased as punch with my last progress pics.

Weight: 138.3
Hips: 38.8
Neck: 14
BF%: 26%

Til next week.

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