Week 2 on training program – unrealistic expectations and frustration

23 Jun

Wow what a week. Week 1 I guess I was high off the excitement of starting something new. New supplements, new training program, new nutrition program…a complete lifestyle overhaul. It was something different, was going to help me get to where I wanted to be in life and I was PUMPED.

Enter week 2. I start my period and I’m a moody emotional mess with a face full of acne that wants to sit in bed and eat pork rinds while watching repeats of The Real Housewives. Paradoxically, i also want to look like the women in my #fitspo images on Instagram. Despite the fact that last week I lost over 7 lbs, I started this week frustrated that the weight wasn’t coming off faster. Its a damn shame how hormones, emotional eating and self deprecation are so powerful in some women (like me). Resisting the urge to binge eat to calm my nerves, anxiety, anger, or sadness this week has been the HARDEST part of this fitness/healthy eating journey so far and I know it will probably only get harder as time goes on. Here, on day 14 writing this, I’m proud to say that with the exception of a tablespoon of natural peanut butter on Tuesday, I stuck to my macros and calorie limits. (Side bar, that little bit of peanut butter on Tuesday really helped with a gross little side effect of the sudden increase in protein – sluggish bowels…TMI? Sorry). I mentioned in my last update that I eat an ungodly amount of egg whites. I’m experimenting with ways to make them more appetizing and exciting and will occasionally post recipes (with macronutrient/calorie) breakdown if they end up tasting good. This week for example I made an egg white frittata which was DEVINE!

Along with the urge to voraciously eat things outside of my meal plan, I also was a little less excited about the gym this week. My body was sore and felt beat up from last week. I knew this week would be harder because I was adding in running and sprints for my cardio and laws switching to workout plan B (trainer gave me two programs which I alternate rom week to week to keep my body guessing). While I’m happy I got through all of the workouts, I have to be honest with myself and say that I didn’t always feel like I pushed myself as hard as I should have. Don’t get me wrong I still worked hard, but I feel like I could have worked harder and that feeling bites a little.

The highlight of the week was that for double cardio on Saturday, I hit the stadium stairs @ Lakewood high school w/ my boyfriend and his friend. We did a football style track/ stairs workout and I kept up with the boys!



Anyway, if I’m learning anything over this journey is that after you have put in the hard work and stuck to the diet, you have to accept yourself. I was frustrated on Monday because my weight hadn’t dropped as drastically as I would have hoped. I find myself looking in the mirror at my body more than usual – checking for ab definition, looking to see if my delts are popping, hoping that my vastus medialis is growing and ultimately being frustrated by lack of drastic results. Then I remind myself that I didn’t fluff up over night or in 14 days. Expecting to completely change my body shape in 14 days not realistic…neither is it healthy to beat myself up over slow progress when I’m working hard. So…onto this week’s data.

Weight: 139.4lbs
Hips: 39.5
Neck: 14
Waist: 27.5
Estimated BF%: 27%

Progress pictures:


All I can do is hit the weights harder and smash every cardio session like my life depends on it in the coming week. Progression is the goal and the only way I can do that is to look forward and keep moving 🙂

Stay fit!

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