Today’s Run(s): 5/15/2013

15 May

Distance: 2 miles

Pace: 9’30/mile average (speed intervals)

Location: Campus gym, indoors and HUMID AS ALL GET OUT


Today I did double duty workouts. I did leg day in the morning (heavy power lifts mostly like squats/deadlifts and some accessory stuff like leg extensions and leg curls). Then I worked back/biceps and shoulders in the evening. After my evening workout I did 2 miles of speed intervals where I ran at 6min pace for a minute and then cranked it up to as fast as I could handle for 30 seconds. During a few intervals I got up to 10mph but as the legs started to turn to jello the speed started to decline. (No reason flying off the back of a treadmill).

My love hate-relationship with the treadmill continues…


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