100 reps workout – description and review

24 Feb

Today just for fun I decided to try a 100-reps workout. I’ve read about them from a few different sources…like here, and here, and here. For the workout you pick 1 exercise for each of the major body parts (or 2 for some of the larger areas, like upper legs/glutes or back) and you do 1 set of 100 reps of each exercise. The best way to do this workout is with light weights or with bodyweight exercises…this is not the time to load up the bar with plates – 100 reps is A LOT, don’t underestimate it!

100 reps worko

So I did this today after my run when the gym opened and boy was it hard. I chose light weight (10lbs for most of the dumbbell exercises, 50lbs for the lat pull downs, 20lb ez curl bar for shoulder press) but despite that by rep 50 my muscles were screaming bloody MURDER. If you’re looking for a shock-your-system type of workout then this is one. It’s definitely not something I would do often –  perhaps just once every couple of weeks or when you hit a slump in your current workout routine. I may do this workout again but not anytime soon…back to typical bodybuilding splits for the next few weeks…and hoping I’m not too sore to move tomorrow 🙂

Give the 100 reps workout a try and let me know how it feels for you?

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