Today’s Back Workout!

15 Jan
Photo on 2013-01-15 at 22.08

The “home gym”. Teddy bear in a basket is optional 🙂

A lot of times I find that after I get home from a long day at work it literally would take the voice of God (or Charlton Heston) to compel me to leave my house again – especially in the frigid Ohio winter. Unfortunately I have to leave the house to get to the gym (totally going to remedy this when I buy my first house). Enter – my “home gym.” This basically consists of a crate full of resistance bands, 10lb and 15lb dumbbells, ankle weights, an ab roller, yoga mats, a medicine ball and a stability ball that I keep in a crate in the corner of my living room. I call it my “home gym” and even though it might seem a little bootleg and even my own mother has laughed out loud at me about it, I am so thankful that it’s here. That list of fitness equipment above and a working body are all anyone needs to get fit and those items are not that expensive. As a matter of fact, most of them I’ve collected over the years as Christmas presents or as the result of new years resolutioning (and I know you have these things around too). There really is no excuse!

My favorite thing to do with my home gym equipment – especially when I’ve skipped out on my cardio for the day (like a Lazy McLazerson) is create a circuit. In a circuit, you will basically move from exercise to exercise with little rest in between to build up some cardiovascular intensity in addition to strength training. Since today was “back day” I decided to design a killer back circuit. I finished it up with P90x ab ripper X and my daily stretching routine. (In case you’re wondering. No I didn’t buy the P90X program. I found it online via some simple google sleuthing and this is the only part of p90X that I do…it’s a great ab workout.)


Killer Home Back Workout


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